Penguatan Literasi Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Bagi Guru SMK Negeri 8 Bandar Lampung
literacy, local wisdomAbstract
Local wisdom, which has become the basis of people's lives, must be explored, especially in the world of education so as to produce a generation that is intelligent, wise, and has character. This local wisdom can be integrated, both in learning in each subject and in the school literacy movement. One of the steps that will be taken by the community service implementation team is to encourage students' interest in reading by introducing readings that are close to their lives before being encouraged to develop insights from broader and global reading sources. Strengthening literacy based on local wisdom is expected to be able to answer the challenges of 21st century learning as in the expression "think global, act locally". The target for this activity were the teachers of SD Negeri Sukamenanti in Bandar Lampung. This activity was held on May 16 2023 in the teacher's room. At the meeting, general materials and discussions were given for questions and answers. Evaluation activities are carried out at the beginning and end of the training. The final result in this training was data that there was an increase in knowledge and experience during activities in strengthening literacy based on local wisdom.