Pengembangan Video Belajar Berbasis Teknologi Bagi Guru-Guru MGMP Bahasa Indonesia SMP Kabupaten Tanggamus


  • Sudarmaji Sudarmaji STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung
  • Abdulloh Abdulloh STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung
  • Hendra Saputra STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung
  • Jessika Amanda Putri STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung
  • Wahyu Febrianto STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung


learning video, technology, MGMP


The problems with the Indonesian Language MGMP (Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran) teacher partners at the Tanggamus Regency Middle School, Lampung Province, namely 1) Indonesian language teachers at the Tanggamus Regency Middle School need skills in compiling digital learning materials and finding various sources of supporting material for learning Indonesian as needed learning and the demands of advances in digital technology and 2) Indonesian teachers at the Tanggamus Regency Middle School do not yet have adequate skills in making learning videos. In this case, it is necessary to carry out a training solution and assistance in making or designing digital learning videos in accordance with the needs of Middle School Indonesian Language Subjects. Given these problems, the solution needed is training and assistance in 1) compiling digital learning materials and finding various sources of learning support materials and 2) making digital learning videos through community service activities. The result of training and mentoring is that teachers are skilled at making learning videos and using them in the teaching and learning process in class.





