Strategi Penguatan Literasi Numerasi dan Adaptasi Teknologi di UPT SMP Negeri 34 Bandar Lampung
Literacy numeration, Technology adaptationAbstract
The strategy of strengthening numeracy literacy and adapting technology is one effort to improve the ability of educators and students to analyze reading and understand the concepts behind the text and analyze using numbers. Teachers as the driving force of education, are required to have knowledge and skills in using and utilizing technology in line with developments in the digital era. One effort to improve this is by holding strategy training to strengthen numeracy literacy and adapt technology at UPT SMP Negeri 34 Bandar Lampung. This service activity aims to increase the ability of teachers at SMP Negeri 34 Bandar Lampung in strategies for strengthening numeracy literacy and adapting technology creatively and innovatively. The service activity was was attended by 25 participants using the training method. The results of the training showed that this activity was able to increase the competency of the activity participants (Teachers at SMP Negeri 34 Bandar Lampung) in strategies to strengthen numeracy literacy and adapt technology.