Penggunaan Digital Storytelling sebagai Media Pembelajaran bagi Guru TK Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal 2 Labuhan Ratu Baru, Way Jepara, Lampung Timur
Digital storytelling, technology, character education, applicationsAbstract
Technology allows students and teachers to access various learning resources online, such as articles, learning videos and e-books. Learning videos can be obtained from platforms such as YouTube, Khan Academy or others. One learning video that can be used in classroom learning activities, especially for early childhood learning, is using digital storytelling. Digital storytelling is a method that combines traditional storytelling techniques with digital elements, such as images, video, audio and text. In an educational context, especially for teachers, digital storytelling can be used to improve the learning experience. The digital storytelling implementation activity carried out at Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal 2 Labuhan Ratu Baru Kindergarten consisted of 5 teachers and the school principal. This activity was held on Saturday, November 23 2024 at TK ABA 2 Labuhan Ratu Baru, Way Jepara, East Lampung. This activity aims to improve the abilities of kindergarten teachers in teaching using digital storytelling methods. Through digital storytelling, teachers can present learning material in a more visual and contextual way.