Workshop Penelitian Tindakan Kelas Pada Guru SMP Negeri 31 Bandar Lampung
Workshop, Classroom Action ResearchAbstract
This article is the result of Community Service activities that aim to provide understanding and learning experience to teachers of SMP Negeri 31 Bandar Lampung. The number of participants in this activity was 20 teachers. Activities carried out within a period of 1 day with the method of material exposure regarding the Definition of Classroom Action Research, Planning and Compilation of Classroom Action Research and Classroom Action Research Report material. Furthermore, the teachers were invited to work in groups to prepare a research plan to design possible research and draft a report form. Overall, this activity went well. Teachers are able to follow and work well in groups to design research, plan and make an overview of classroom action research reports. Although some grammatical errors still occur, the writing technique meets the requirements and this shows the teachers have made an effort to understand the material. With these shortcomings, it requires assistance which of course will be carried out as a follow-up to this workshop. Assistance will be carried out for the next 3 months to monitor the implementation of the research until the completion of the classroom action research report.