Pelatihan Penggunaan Ejaan Pada Surat Keluar Koperasi Simpan Pinjam Tunas Melati Gotong Royong Bandar Lampung
Letter, SpellingAbstract
Correspondence in an institution or government agency or independently is very important to notify the activities to be carried out. There are several types of letters that have been known, namely official letters and non-official letters. Letters issued from agencies or institutions include official letters. In writing an official letter, it is necessary to pay attention to good and correct systematics as well as spelling that is in accordance with the Indonesian language. After observing observing the Tunas Melati Savings and Loans Cooperative in writing outgoing letters, there are still many mistakes made, especially with spelling that looks simply but has fatal consequences for the reader or recipient of the letter. Some of the Cooperative management work as housewives who still lack knowledge of correspondence, especially the letters issued to this Tunas Jasmine cooperative. For this reason, the service team needs to conduct letter writing training, especially outgoing letters to the Tunas Melati cooperative. This training was held on Monday, March 28, 2022, which was attended by 7 cooperative administrators with techniques for providing knowledge, asking questions and practicing letter writing. With this activity, the management can write a good letter in accordance with a good systematic and correct spelling in accordance with the applicable Indonesian language. From the results of the training, the administrators in writing letters, especially outgoing letters, have understood and understood both the systematics and the spelling used in correspondence, so that in the future there will be no more spelling errors because all this time it was made by administrators who did not fully understand spelling. in correspondence.