Pembentukan Karakter melalui Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Pada Siswa SMP Negeri 14 Bandar Lampung
Character, Learning, IndonesianAbstract
The implementation of character education is actually oriented to the noble values of the nation that have taken root from the founding fathers of the nation, so at the level of implementation of character education in each region, it is almost the same, because the core of character education comes from three main things, namely religion as the main each individual acts, Pancasila as the basis of the state and culture which is the legacy of the predecessors. In fact, SMP Negeri 14 found several problems in shaping the character of its students, including: (a) Character values developed in schools have not been described in representative indicators. These unrepresentative and good indicators cause difficulties in measuring the achievement of student learning outcomes. (b) Teachers' understanding of the concept of character education is still not comprehensive. (c) Teachers do not yet have adequate competence to integrate character values into the subjects they teach. The program has been implemented, while the training is still very limited, followed by teachers causing their limitations in integrating character values into the subjects they teach. (d) The teacher has not been able to become an example of the character values he has chosen. The most serious problem is the teacher's role to be an example in realizing character values specifically in accordance with the character values of subjects and general character values in schools. This community service activity is expected to shape the character of SMP Negeri 14 Bandar Lampung students. The characters that will be improved or formed by the team are honest, disciplined, hard work, tolerance, creative, democratic, independent, curiosity, nationalist (love the homeland), patriotic, friendly, friendly, care for the environment, social spirit, spirit of achievement, Courtesy, Mutual respect, Religious, Responsible.