Workshop Penilaian Autentik bagi Guru SMK PGRI 2 Bandar Lampung
Autentik assessment, Teacher, Vocational high schoolsAbstract
The workshop autentik teachers in vocational PGRI 2 bandar lampung aimed to provide an overview of the instrument autentik according to the curriculum as a means for teachers to give an assessment not only from the study but also of the process they learn.These activities are done by the presence of the problem in teachers smk pgri 2 bandar lampung who do not use the autentik. In addition to considering the importance of the autentik as motivation for students in developing, attitude , knowledge and skills is demands 2013. curriculumIt will be activities devotion workshop about how the image and the procedure of making an instrument that autentik assessment in accordance with the demand in the development of the, curriculum , knowledge and skills.In this activity continued understanding and assessment autentik goals and benefit from the autentik. Characteristic of assessment and the types of autentik. Assessment.