IJLHE: International Journal of Language, Humanities, and Education 2024-02-02T08:00:53+00:00 Andri Wicaksono Open Journal Systems <p><em>IJLHE: International Journal of Language, Humanities, and Education</em> is a journal devoted to language and literature researchers, humanities, as well as practitioners in the field of education. <em>IJLHE</em> Journal is managed by the Institute for Research and Community Service STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung which is responsible for the Master Program in Indonesian Language Education. All publishing processes follow the procedures for scientific writing and editing involving expert reviewers from various countries.</p> Unlocking Linguistic Brilliance: Elevating Ninth-Grade Vocabulary Proficiency through Strategic Word Lists at SMP Al-Azhar 3 Bandar Lampung 2024-01-31T03:06:20+00:00 Suherni Suherni Adenan Damiri Eva Nurchurifiani <p>This research aimed to improve students' vocabulary mastery through a word list. The research subjects were the ninth-grade students of SMP Al-Azhar 3 Bandar Lampung, consisting of 28 students. Classroom Action Research (CAR) was employed, comprising two cycles. Data collection techniques included both test and non-test methods. A vocabulary test was administered to assess students’ vocabulary mastery, while an observation sheet was used for non-test data. Data analysis involved both quantitative and qualitative methods. Referring to the test results, the mean score of students’ learning activities in cycle 1 was 6.42, categorizing as less active. Meanwhile, in cycle 2, it increased to 7.32, still considered less active, showing an improvement of 0.9%. On the other hand, the mean score of the vocabulary test in cycle 1 was 69.04, with 7 students scoring ≥70, constituting 25%. In cycle 2, the mean score rose to 76.16, with 21 students scoring ≥70, accounting for 75%. This indicated an improvement of 7.12%. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that a word list effectively improves students’ vocabulary mastery in the ninth grade of SMP Al-Azhar 3 Bandar Lampung.</p> 2023-12-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 IJLHE: International Journal of Language, Humanities, and Education An Effect of Using Group Investigation Method to Improving Critical Thinking Skill 2024-01-31T07:48:46+00:00 Yohana Puspita Dewi Purna Wiratno Destia Herlisya <p>Students' critical thinking ability can be enhanced through an effective learning process. To achieve this, the learning process must be designed to engage students in the classroom actively. The effort to achieve these results involves improving the quality of learning through effective teaching materials. Learning involves more than just acquiring information from lecturers; it encompasses various activities and actions to achieve better student learning outcomes. For instance, providing tasks that stimulate students to think critically, incorporating methods and learning models into the teaching process, is essential. The learning process is fundamentally a teaching-learning process that underscores the significance of experiential learning to gain valuable insights. This research aims to identify the process and outcomes of implementing the group investigation learning model to enhance critical thinking skills. Students' critical thinking is crucial as, during the learning process, students formulate ideas about the problems presented in their studies. Some students face challenges in thinking creatively when learning in English. They struggle to express their ideas, lack vocabulary, and find it challenging to generate ideas to solve problems when asked to discuss topics in English. Examples of these topics include educational issues and the impact of technology on students.</p> 2023-12-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Students' Use of Vocabulary and Kanji in Essays: Corpus Data-Based Measurement 2024-01-13T02:27:35+00:00 Ai Sumirah Setiawati Dwi Puspitosari Danny Buyung Yudha Prasetya Yulia Agustina <p>This research was conducted to describe 1) the level of Vocabulary and Kanji that students tend to use in essays measured based on JLPT standards and 2) the suitability of the level of Vocabulary and Kanji used by students in Japanese essays with the learning level that has been taken, namely N4. These two measurements utilize a corpus of data that has only been used for reading-learning purposes. This research uses a qualitative approach, and the data source is 53 students with data collection techniques, namely assignments to write essays with predetermined themes and questionnaires. The data analyzed is the vocabulary and Kanji students use in their essays. This research shows that students use 68.8% of N5-level vocabulary and 61% of N5-level Kanji in their essays. The findings from assessing the use of vocabulary and Kanji differ from their current learning level, namely level N4, which the highest percentage at this level should indicate. Thus, the target of students' ability to use N4-level vocabulary and Kanji at their current learning level has not been achieved.</p> 2023-12-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 IJLHE: International Journal of Language, Humanities, and Education An Analysis of Compound Words in Education Issue of the Jakarta Post Edition on April 2021 2024-01-25T04:51:40+00:00 Dewi Sri Kuning Fitri Wulandari Meutia Rachmatia Sinta Novia <p>In learning a language, the first thing to grasp is words. One method of word formation is compounding, which involves combining two elements from existing words to create a new word. Compounds are categorized into three groups based on the part of speech: nominal compounds, verbal compounds, and adjectival compounds. The formation of compound words gives rise to their meaning, involving two kinds of semantic headedness—namely, endocentric compounds and exocentric compounds. These compound words can be identified in articles from the education issue of The Jakarta Post edition from April 2021. The objectives of this study are as follows: (1) to identify the types of compound words; (2) to determine the semantic headedness of compound words; and (3) to calculate the percentages of compound types and semantic headedness. The study employs a qualitative descriptive method. The results reveal three types of compound words: nominal compounds (656 words), verbal compounds (2 words), and adjectival compounds (5 words). Additionally, two types of compound words were identified—650 words were endocentric compounds, and 16 words were exocentric compounds. The percentages of compound word types were as follows: 98.5% nominal compounds, 0.3% verbal compounds, and 1.2% adjectival compounds. Meanwhile, the percentages of semantic headedness were 97.60% for endocentric compounds and 2.40% for exocentric compounds. This study provides valuable information about compound words in the context of language learning.</p> 2023-12-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 IJLHE: International Journal of Language, Humanities, and Education Aesthetic Study of The Philosopher’s Opinions and Islamic Sources 2023-04-27T04:33:18+00:00 Abdul Haq Noori Shirali Samimi <p>Beauty is one of the three concepts to which value judgments are attributed. Immanuel Kant, the great German philosopher (1724-1804 AD), stated that beauty is something that arouses the satisfaction of the soul without the need for imagination. In other words, beauty is what makes us feel happy without seeing it and also without any apparent benefit. The relation of beauty and ugliness to passivity is analogous to the relation of good and evil to action and the relation of right and wrong to reason. Beauty is synonymous with goodness and virtue, signifying proportion and harmony between the components of an object. It is mentioned in the authoritative book of hadith (Muslim Sharif) that "Allah is the most beautiful of the beloved," implying that God (the Exalted) is beautiful and loves beauty. Additionally, divine verses and signs, by reminding us of the manifestations of beauty in creation, prompt humans to admire their creator based on the manifestations of existential creation. They also encourage us to recognize that the beauty of human creation encompasses the earth, sky, stars, and more. Everyone is invited and guided to God through these manifestations.</p> 2023-12-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 IJLHE: International Journal of Language, Humanities, and Education Are Students Motivated Enough?: A Study of Students’ Motivation in Online English Course 2024-02-01T18:32:25+00:00 Adhi Nurhartanto Tyas Desita Wengrum Widya Rahmawati <p>It is still debatable whether distance learning is effective to be implemented fully.&nbsp; In pandemic where classes have been conducted online for more than a year, students’ motivation in attending the lectures fully is questionable.&nbsp; This study aims to determine students’ motivation in attending the lectures gradually.&nbsp; The students’ motivation six months after the face-to-face meeting was forbidden is compared to their motivation a year after the classes were done online.&nbsp; This research is a quantitative study using a quasi-experimental research design with a time-series model. The population of this research is all 1<sup>st</sup> and 2<sup>nd</sup> semester students who took English For Business 1 and 2 courses.&nbsp; Data collection was carried out by using questionnaires to gain students’ motivation using Dornyei’s L2MSS questionnaires and additional 10 items from regular face to face class modified into items about the online language learning added to Language Learning section.&nbsp; Data analysis was conducted using the t test for paired samples. The results of the analysis obtained that distance learning is effective to maintain students’ motivation in attending classes in shorter period while it possibly decreases in longer time and teacher possibly needs creativity to maintain the students’ motivation.</p> 2023-12-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 IJLHE: International Journal of Language, Humanities, and Education Revolutionizing English Learning: Unleashing the Power of WhatsApp - A Dynamic Literature Exploration 2024-02-02T06:57:08+00:00 Sri Wahyuningsih Ag. Eka Erinawati Eka Septiana Wulandari Liana Nur Fadila Putri Rizqya Febrianthi <p style="font-weight: 400;">In the teaching and learning process, WhatsApp is an application frequently utilized for online learning due to its easy operability across all levels of education. Researchers have concentrated on assessing the effectiveness of WhatsApp in English lessons by scrutinizing studies on communication technology utilizing WhatsApp. The data utilized in this literature review comprises articles published in open-access journals, allowing the authors to analyze them. Five relevant studies are under review, as discussed by Ahmed (2019), Hashemifardnia, Namuziandot, and Eshafani (2018), Minalla (2018), Novianto (2017), and Ta 'Amneh (2017). The results indicate that incorporating WhatsApp into English learning can aid learning. However, there are both advantages and disadvantages associated with its usage. The primary disadvantage is the limited internet fees students must bear to access WhatsApp. Conversely, the advantages include students' increased motivation to learn English and enhanced vocabulary and writing skills through discussions in WhatsApp groups.</p> 2023-12-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Educational Values in The Novel 'Sepatu Dahlan' by Khrisna Pabichara 2024-02-02T08:00:53+00:00 Abdulloh Abdulloh Fransisca S.O. Dedi Dinda Adelia <p style="font-weight: 400;">The issues in this research are related to the messages conveying educational values of diversity, resilience, holistic intelligence (identity discovery), responsibility, attitude towards life, and poverty found in literary works (novels). This study aims to identify and analyze the educational values, namely diversity, resilience, holistic intelligence (identity discovery), responsibility, attitude towards life, and poverty, present in the novel <em>"Sepatu Dahlan</em>" by Khrisna Pabichara. The method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive method, which involves analyzing sentence by sentence related to educational values. With this method, the collected data is identified, analyzed, described, and then interpreted according to the predetermined objectives. The choice of descriptive method and qualitative research type is due to the nature of the collected data, which consists of words but emphasizes a deep understanding of the interaction between empirically studied concepts. The research findings indicate that the educational values described in this novel include diversity, resilience, holistic intelligence, responsibility, attitude toward life, and poverty. Hopefully, this novel is useful for all of us and can serve as a source of inspiration for the younger generation in achieving their aspirations, as poverty is not a barrier to rising and pursuing goals, and education plays a significant role in this process.</p> 2023-12-14T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023