IJLHE: International Journal of Language, Humanities, and Education https://jurnal.stkippgribl.ac.id/index.php/ijlhe <p><em>IJLHE: International Journal of Language, Humanities, and Education</em> is a journal devoted to language and literature researchers, humanities, as well as practitioners in the field of education. <em>IJLHE</em> Journal is managed by the Institute for Research and Community Service STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung which is responsible for the Master Program in Indonesian Language Education. All publishing processes follow the procedures for scientific writing and editing involving expert reviewers from various countries.</p> Master Program in Indonesian Language Education and The Institute for Research and Community Service STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung en-US IJLHE: International Journal of Language, Humanities, and Education 2963-4520 An Analysis of Students’ Errors in Translating Indonesia-English Narrative Text https://jurnal.stkippgribl.ac.id/index.php/ijlhe/article/view/1421 <p>This study aims to determine the types of errors in translating narrative texts from Indonesian to English and the most dominant types of errors in translating narrative texts from Indonesian to English by students of class X IPA 1 SMA Negeri 4 Kota Kupang. This research uses descriptive qualitative research. The subjects of this study were 15 students of class X IPA 1. The data source was taken from translating students' narrative texts from Indonesian into English. The research instrument is a translation task. The translation task was used to obtain data about student errors in Indonesian to English translation texts. The findings of this study indicate that there are four types of translation errors, namely: Omission, ex: SL: Then the dog arrived, SL: The dog arrived, Correct: Then the dog arrived. In addition, ex : SL: Cat and fox, TL: Cat and fox, Correct: Cat and fox. Mis formation, ex: SL: A moment later, TL: Just then, Correct: A moment later. Mis ordering, ex: SL: At least I know, TL: At least I know, Correct: At least I know. Moreover, the most dominant types of translation errors, the researcher concluded that the students' problems in translating narrative texts from Indonesian to English were mostly formation errors of 120 errors. Mis formation is the most dominant type carried out by students of class X IPA 1 SMA Negeri 4 Kota Kupang. Suggestions for improving the teaching and learning process, especially in the teaching and learning process of translation as one of the subjects in class X IPA 1 SMA Negeri 4 Kota Kupang, students must practice translating Indonesian texts into English or vice versa in class or outside of class to improve their translation skills.</p> Marlin Margaretha Manu Anggelina Martina Nahak Copyright (c) 2024 IJLHE: International Journal of Language, Humanities, and Education 2024-06-14 2024-06-14 7 1 1 18 10.52217/ijlhe.v7i1.1421 Technology and Culture: Ruminations on Marshall Mc Luhan’s ‘The Mechanical Bride’ https://jurnal.stkippgribl.ac.id/index.php/ijlhe/article/view/1500 <p>In his&nbsp; observation of North American culture industry&nbsp;&nbsp; Marshal Mc Luhan finds that how the trained human minds affect the collective public minds and influence them in their own way . The controlled popular culture offers various meanings to different stakeholders . Marshal Mc Luhan’s ‘The Mechanical Bride’ appears as a chapter in the his book The Mechanical Bride: Folklore of Industrial Man , and offers significant inferences on the influence of technology&nbsp; in the life of common individual , and subsequently makes the indicators of the popular culture. The present papers offers the key indicators and findings in Marshal Mc Luhan’s ‘The Mechanical Bride’.</p> Ravindra Pratap Singh Copyright (c) 2024 2024-06-14 2024-06-14 7 1 19 24 School Principal's Role in Improving Learning Quality https://jurnal.stkippgribl.ac.id/index.php/ijlhe/article/view/1507 <p><em>The purpose of this study is to understand the important role of one of the tasks of the Principal (school principal), namely monitoring educators and students in order to improve and improve the learning process at SDN 6 Pemulutan Selatan by knowing the objectives, constraints and benefits of supervising the quality of learning.&nbsp; As it is known that supervision carried out by the principal is part of the management function. The research methodology applied is qualitative, where researchers are directly involved in collecting data at the research location. The object of the research is the principal's role in monitoring the learning process at school. Data were collected through direct observation and interviews with principals and teachers. The implications of this study provide a deeper understanding of the significant role of school principals as supervisors in improving the quality of learning. Related to this study, the researcher found that awareness of supervisory activities by school principals at SDN 6 Pemulutan Selatan is still lacking in attention and implementation. The results showed that supervision by principals of the learning process and teacher performance had a positive impact on improving the quality of learning. The results of this discussion can be seen that first, by supervising learning, principals can evaluate the teaching methods used, the effectiveness of learning, and student responses to learning. Second, the obstacles to supervising the quality of learning can be caused by factors such as incomplete infrastructure and limited time for school principals. Third, the benefits of monitoring the quality of learning are getting information on the teaching and learning process as evaluation material.</em></p> Nurnida Usholicchah Ade Akhmad Saputra Copyright (c) 2024 IJLHE: International Journal of Language, Humanities, and Education 2024-06-14 2024-06-14 7 1 25 32 10.52217/ijlhe.v7i1.1507 Use of Regional Languages in Indonesian Language Learning at Kampar Regency Elementary Schools https://jurnal.stkippgribl.ac.id/index.php/ijlhe/article/view/1512 <p>This research aims to analyze the use of regional languages ​​in student communication in Indonesian language learning at Kampar Regency Elementary Schools. The research method used is field research with a qualitative research method approach and descriptive data analysis. Data collection was carried out by interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis techniques use data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions/verification. The results of the research are that the use of regional languages ​​in Indonesian language learning in Kampar Regency elementary schools has great potential to improve students' language understanding and skills. The integration of regional languages ​​helps explain complex concepts and enriches the learning process. However, it is important to balance the use of regional languages ​​and Indonesian so that both are supported. With the support of teacher training, development of teaching materials, and community involvement, the use of regional languages ​​can be an effective strategy for improving the quality of education in Kampar Regency.</p> Muhammad Amin Copyright (c) 2024 IJLHE: International Journal of Language, Humanities, and Education 2024-07-19 2024-07-19 7 1 33 46 10.52217/ijlhe.v7i1.1512 Enhancing English Proficiency at Ngubalan Elementary School in Tulungagung: An Integrated Approach https://jurnal.stkippgribl.ac.id/index.php/ijlhe/article/view/1514 <p>This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of an integrated approach in enhancing English proficiency at Ngubalan Elementary School in Tulungagung. This research employs a qualitative approach, focusing on interviews as the primary instrument. Interviews were conducted with English teachers, students in grades 4-6, the principal, and parents. The interview data were analyzed using interactive analysis techniques consisting of Data Reduction, Data Presentation, and Conclusion Drawing. The findings indicate that the integrated approach successfully increased student motivation and engagement in learning English through the use of diverse media and methods. Teachers and the principal observed improvements in students' English skills, while parents noted positive changes in their children's English abilities at home. Challenges included limited facilities and time, but measures such as teacher training and collaboration with external parties have been taken to address these obstacles.</p> Muh Ibnu Sholeh Muhammed Ramadhan Abd Allah Mohamed Himad Ali Sokip Sokip Asrop Syafi’i Copyright (c) 2024 IJLHE: International Journal of Language, Humanities, and Education 2024-07-19 2024-07-19 7 1 47 56 10.52217/ijlhe.v7i1.1514 Cognitive Pragmatics in Japanese Comic https://jurnal.stkippgribl.ac.id/index.php/ijlhe/article/view/1516 <p>Comics became one of the literary works that implemented communication practices that involved linguistics. This study examined the cognitive pragmatics in the Japanese comic, Your Lie in April, by Naoki Urusawa. This study was centered on cognitive pragmatics, encompassing elements of cooperation, mental states, intentionality, and motivation. This research employed the descriptive qualitative technique. Through the examination, the researcher found that the comic exhibits cognitive pragmatic elements in the characters of Arima and Kaori. These elements include cooperation, mental states, intentionality, and motivation. The researcher has discovered 21 cognitive pragmatic aspects comprising cooperation (5 data), mental states (6 data), intentionality (5 data), and motivation (5 data). The comic primarily focuses on mental states as the most significant cognitive pragmatic feature over other aspects. In conclusion, Arima and Kaori convey these qualities through their discussions and facial expressions.</p> Eva Solina Gultom Muhammad Reza Mersi Arman Arman Copyright (c) 2024 IJLHE: International Journal of Language, Humanities, and Education 2024-07-23 2024-07-23 7 1 57 76 10.52217/ijlhe.v7i1.1516 Revitalizing English Teaching: Insights from Diniyah Madrasah Educators https://jurnal.stkippgribl.ac.id/index.php/ijlhe/article/view/1523 <p>The aim of this research is to analyze Firstly, what are the innovations in English language learning for Madrasah Diniyah teachers, especially older ones at STAI Al-Yasini Pasuruan? Second, what is the motivation for learning English for Madrasah Diniyah teachers at STAI Al-Yasini Pasuruan. The relevant theories in analyzing this research are innovation theory and McClelland's Achievement Motivation Theory. The research method is qualitative phenomenology. The results of this research are first, the innovation in English language learning for Madrasah Diniah teachers psychologically has taken into account the elements: 1) freedom from traditional authority and anti-dogmatic thinking, that English can be a wider tool for preaching. 2) paying attention to community problems, meaning combining English words with Arabic letters reduces the problems of Madin teachers who are not used to speaking English 3) open to new experiences or not awkward with English 4) Confident in knowledge and reasoning. 5) Responsive planning, future oriented, not easily satisfied. 6) in English, Madarasah Diniah teachers have high aspirations, are educated, cultured and professional. Second, in McCleland's view, the scholarships provided by the Pasuruan Regency government are a form of attention, cleanliness and extrinsic motivation to Madrasah Diniyah teachers so that they can develop and be in harmony with teachers in schools in general who have degrees. Third, according to McClelland, Pasuruan Madrasah Diniyah teachers have potential that can be developed through individual motivation, and are supported by the situation and opportunities available such as scholarships for Madrasah Diniyah teachers provided by the Pasuruan district government. Potential here according to McClelland refers to three forms of needs, namely; 1) the need for achievement (need of achievement), 2) the need for power (need of power), 3) the need for affiliation (need of affiliation). These three forms of needs have been fulfilled by the students of Madrasah Diniyah teachers.</p> Dewi Masitah M. Syaikhudin Copyright (c) 2024 IJLHE: International Journal of Language, Humanities, and Education 2024-08-01 2024-08-01 7 1 77 90 10.52217/ijlhe.v7i1.1523 Using ELSA Speak Application as A Medium to Improve English Speaking Skills https://jurnal.stkippgribl.ac.id/index.php/ijlhe/article/view/1547 <p>This study aims to assess how the ELSA Speak app helps improve the English-speaking skills of eighth-grade students at an Indonesian Islamic Junior High School and measure how much their speaking skills improve after using the app. The participants in this research included one English teacher and 15 eighth-grade students. The research was conducted using a Classroom Action Research (CAR) methodology, combining both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Qualitative data were gathered through photographs and observation checklists, while quantitative data were derived by comparing students' pre-test and post-test results. In the first cycle of the study, the average pre-test score was 53.93, which increased to 62.47 in the post-test. In the second cycle, students' performance improved further, with the pre-test score rising to 61.67 and the post-test reaching 74.87. The statistical analysis revealed a significant improvement in students' speaking abilities, as indicated by the t-test results. The t-test value for the second cycle (7.665) was notably higher than that of the first cycle (5.502), demonstrating a significant impact on students' speaking skills. The overall improvement from the first to the second cycle was 46.66%. Based on these findings, the study concludes that the use of the ELSA Speak application has a substantial positive effect on the students’ English-speaking proficiency.</p> Muhamad Hasbi Eka Nursaputri Copyright (c) 2024 IJLHE: International Journal of Language, Humanities, and Education 2024-09-29 2024-09-29 7 1 91 102 10.52217/ijlhe.v7i1.1547