(Journal of English Teaching and Applied Linguistic)2025-03-04T01:38:41+00:00Aksendro Journal Systems<p>Journal of English Teaching and Applied Linguistic (JETA) is a peer-reviewed journal run by the English Language Education Department of STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung (Institute of Teachers Training & Education of PGRI Bandar Lampung), Indonesia. JETA aims at reporting high-quality empirical and original research contributions for the benefit of teachers, lecturers, and researchers in the field of English Language Teaching (ELT), Applied Linguistics, Literatures, and English Language Studies. The scope includes theory and practice in English language teaching and learning, language teachers’ training and education, teaching English as a second or foreign language (TESL, TEFL), Applied Linguistics, English Literatures, and English Language Studies. It also publishes book reviews of potential interest to readers. Papers submitted to this journal must be original, and are not considered in any other journals. The journal is published in both print and online versions. The online version of the journal is free access and download.</p> <p>Print ISSN 2722-3388<br />Online ISSN 2722-3396</p> STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS TOWARD EDUCATIONAL VIDEO PROJECTS2024-10-25T03:10:48+00:00Muhammad Sukandimuhammadkandi22@gmail.comMuhamad<p>This research aimed to know the EFL students’ perceptions toward educational video projects in Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) class. This research method was descriptive qualitative, with the research instrument used being interviews with 7 students who had completed educational video project assignments in the CALL class of the English Education Department at UIN Salatiga. The result of the study revealed that most students showcased positive perceptions of the educational video project, proven by some of their testimonial words such as interesting, exciting, relevant to the study, and beneficial. The project helped them to develop their digital skills, especially in video editing, improve their speaking skills, mainly their pronunciation, increase their confidence in speaking, develop their creativity in making an educational video, and learn teamwork. They also encountered a few obstacles during the completion of the project, especially those related to the recording and video editing process, their lack of confidence in speaking in front of the camera, and difficulty finding a suitable location and time for recording.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 JETA (Journal of English Teaching and Applied Linguistic) THE REPRESENTATION OF MENTAL HEALTH IN HEALING FICTION: A CASE STUDY OF BOOK'S KITCHEN NOVEL2025-02-11T08:29:31+00:00Dewi<p>This article explores the narrative of mental health within the realm of healing fiction, using Kim Jee Hye's novel <em>Book’s Kitchen</em> as the primary focus of analysis. By concentrating on the characteristics of the 'healing fiction' genre, we connect the novel's narrative to the broader field of medical narratives and consider the potential benefits of this relationship. Through an in-depth analysis of the novel using narrative analysis method, we conclude that healing fiction, Book’s Kitchen offers a form of therapeutic aid to its readers. It offers a self-reflection, and transformative tool to understand oneself mental health.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 JETA (Journal of English Teaching and Applied Linguistic) VYASA’S MAHABHARATA AS WORLD LITERATURE2025-02-11T13:41:16+00:00Dian<p>This study explores how the <em>Mahabharata</em> has circulated globally through mechanisms such as translation, adaptation, canonization, and scholarly criticism. Drawing on qualitative research methods, this study examines the primary text of the <em>Mahabharata</em> and secondary data from academic journals, books, and critical theories. It highlights the role of translation in preserving the text’s cultural essence while navigating political and ideological challenges, particularly during British colonial rule. Adaptations of the <em>Mahabharata</em>, including its influence on Indonesian <em>Wayang Kulit</em> and Peter Brook’s international theater production, demonstrate the complex process of transforming the epic to suit diverse cultural contexts. The paper also addresses feminist readings of the epic, focusing on the representation of Draupadi, and how modern adaptations challenge traditional portrayals. By analyzing these mechanisms, this study reveals how the <em>Mahabharata</em> has been canonized, critiqued, and integrated into global literary discourse, affirming its enduring relevance and universal appeal.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 JETA (Journal of English Teaching and Applied Linguistic) LEXICOGRAMMATICAL APPROACH: ENHANCING DELIVERY SKILLS THROUGH COMMUNICATIVE GRAMMAR DEVELOPMENT 2024-12-29T23:22:12+00:00Edy<p>It's critical to use a language in daily interactions. It is the method by which people communicate ideas. Many EFL students struggle to use the language they learn for communication. In order to achieve this goal, A few theories were offered to assist in correcting such a defect. The main phase is devoted to expanding one's vocabulary. It is the material that will be utilized to put the ideas into words. Grammar rules are used in order to give it meaning. That's the way sentences are put together. When grammar rules and vocabulary are used to construct sentences, the delivery gains significance. It is an advantage of employing lexico grammar in spoken communication. Nonetheless, it's necessary to learn how to understand idioms. Using the lexicogrammar approach to analyze it aids in the pupils' grammatical recognition. The conclusions are the result of a qualitative investigation of the theories. It has been discovered that learning speaking via lexicogrammar and communicative grammar techniques improves the fluency and understanding of the speech. Applying it to the teaching of related subjects aids teachers. It also prompts more in-depth observation from other researchers. </p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 JETA (Journal of English Teaching and Applied Linguistic) IMPROVEMENT OF READING COMPREHENSION THROUGH SKIMMING AND SCANNING TECHNIQUES SKILLS2025-02-12T04:42:30+00:00Muhammad<p>This study investigates the impact of skimming and scanning techniques on the improvement of reading comprehension. Skimming involves quickly reading a text to get the general idea, while scanning focuses on locating specific information. Both techniques are commonly used to enhance efficiency in reading and to improve understanding, particularly in academic and professional settings. The research explores how these methods help readers to better grasp the main points, identify key details, and boost overall reading speed. The findings indicate that students who apply skimming and scanning strategies show significant improvement in their reading comprehension skills, particularly in terms of accuracy and time management. This paper concludes that incorporating these techniques into reading practices can be an effective way to enhance reading comprehension.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 JETA (Journal of English Teaching and Applied Linguistic) OF PQRST IN DEVELOPING READING SKILL2025-03-04T01:38:41+00:00EFFRINA YURICKI<p>PQRST technique is used to improve students’ reading skill at the eighth-grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Bandar Mataram. In this research, the writer took Classroom Action Research (CAR). This reasearch conducted 31 students including 15 male and 16 female students. The writer devided into two classes and included four stages such as; planning, action, observation adn refletion. In a pre-cycle, the writer assess identifying initial reading, challages, guiding targeted intructional strategies. For collecting data, writer took interviews, field notes, observation checklists and reading test showed clear improvements. Based on the data, the writer got the average learnig activity score rose from 3.42 (“fair”) in Cycle 1 to 3.95 (“fair to good”) in Cycle 2. Reading scores also improved significantly: the pre-cycle average of 53.19 (9.67% meeting the Minimum Mastery Criterion, MMC) increased to 71.61 in Cycle 2, with 61.29% of students achieving or surpassing the MMC. In conclusion, the PQRST technique effectively enhanced students’ engagement and reading comprehension, though further refinements may be needed to reach the full mastery criterion of 75% for the class.</p>2025-02-01T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025