JETA (Journal of English Teaching and Applied Linguistic) <p>Journal of English Teaching and Applied Linguistic (JETA) is a peer-reviewed journal run by the English Language Education Department of STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung (Institute of Teachers Training &amp; Education of PGRI Bandar Lampung), Indonesia. JETA aims at reporting high-quality empirical and original research contributions for the benefit of teachers, lecturers, and researchers in the field of English Language Teaching (ELT), Applied Linguistics, Literatures, and English Language Studies. The scope includes theory and practice in English language teaching and learning, language teachers’ training and education, teaching English as a second or foreign language (TESL, TEFL), Applied Linguistics, English Literatures, and English Language Studies. It also publishes book reviews of potential interest to readers. Papers submitted to this journal must be original, and are not considered in any other journals. The journal is published in both print and online versions. The online version of the journal is free access and download.</p> <p>Print ISSN 2722-3388<br />Online ISSN 2722-3396</p> Institute of Research Institutions and Community Service (LPPMP) of STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung en-US JETA (Journal of English Teaching and Applied Linguistic) 2722-3388 JOHN OSBORNE’S LOOK BACK IN ANGER: A CRITICAL CATCHES OF ANGER, ALIENATION AND ACRIMONY <p>The term “Angry Young Man” denoted the disillusionment and dilemma in young men which was caused by world war. The term represents the impatience with the tyranny laden over the lower/ middle strata of the society. At the time, John Osborne took the step to depict the frustration and alienation of young generation and created a protagonist, Jimmy Porter. The paper aims to analyses the character of Jimmy Porter by mapping the text based on real grounded society. The study is concentrated on the anger and fragmentation of not only of the protagonist but also of the whole society at a larger extent</p> ANURADHA SINGH Copyright (c) 2023 2023-09-20 2023-09-20 4 2 1 16 CULTURAL CONTENT ANALYSIS OF HORNBILL TEXTBOOK IN ENGLISH FOR CLASS XI AT CATHEDRAL SR. SEC. SCHOOL LUCKNOW <p><strong>Abstract</strong>: This research explores the cultural content of English textbook for senior high school grade XI entitled “<em>Hornbill Textbook in English for Class XI</em>”. The study aims to investigate what cultures are represented and how cultures are represented in the textbook. To analyse the textbook, this study applied content analysis with descriptive qualitative method. This research used four kinds of instrument in collecting the data; they were textbook, observation, deep reading, and secondary resources. This research also adopted two frameworks from Cortazzi and Jin (3) about types of culture and framework from Adaskou, Britten and Fahsi (1990) about Sense of culture. The analysis of the textbook has revealed some significant results. In comparison to three types of culture, <em>Hornbill Textbook in English for Class XI (Core Course)</em> emphasized Source Culture the most than Target Culture and International Culture. On the other hand, the research finds that cultures are represented by sociological sense (15 times), pragmatic sense (15 times), aesthetic sense (11 times), and semantic sense (10 times).</p> SINTA NOVIA Copyright (c) 2023 JETA (Journal of English Teaching and Applied Linguistic) 2023-12-01 2023-12-01 4 2 17 27 ACADEMY AND EDUCATION IN GANDHIAN PERSPECTIVE: EXPLORING THE EMPIRICAL ASSESSMENT <p>Mahatma Gandhi was the practical follower of peace. Gandhi always maintained that education must be for the attainment of the moral and spiritual development of the character.&nbsp; According to Gandhi, cultural and moral side of learning best suits the personality of the citizens. For him, ultimate goal of education is to spark a pursuit of knowledge in the child from the beginning of his learning process and it will definitely lead towards innovative mindset. Gandhi stressed on the development of a child as a whole, not just the mind. He advocates the all-round education tendency. For a civilized and cultured society, education is the only way. &nbsp;This study tries to catch out the Gandhian perspectives and his believes on education system and will also find out that how his principles were as fresh as were then and still realizes the importance of his educational ethics. ‘Knowledge is power’ will always be acknowledged. A saying truly said, ‘‘Gandhi is dead but Gandhism is alive”.</p> Ms. A.N. Singh Copyright (c) 2023 2023-12-01 2023-12-01 4 2 28 36 TALK AND CHILL CARDS FOR IMPROVING EFL SPEAKING SKILL <p>In this era.There are many different types of media that are widely used in English language learning. One is the Talk and Chill card. This media can help Students' in improving their speaking skills.The aim of this research paper is to know whether the students' speaking skills have improved significantly. Communication skills using flashcards. Class X, with a total of 24 students, was selected as a sample for this study. This pre-test study uses a pre-test and a post-test. These exams take the form of oral exams. Data from these tests are calculated using statistical models. Studies have shown that students' speaking skills improve significantly after receiving treatment. Therefore, talk and chill cards can be used as a different medium to teach English, especially speaking skills, in EFL classrooms.</p> Dede Rosyadi ZA Copyright (c) 2024 2023-12-01 2023-12-01 4 2 37 49 PRESUPPOSITION USED BY THEODORE LAWRENCE IN LITTLE WOMEN MOVIE BY GRETA GERWIG <p>Movies serve as a reflection of real-life interactions, and the characters’ utterances that convey background knowledge, emotions, and intentions. Therefore, Pragmatics field is often used to study their expressions’ meaning, especially with the theory of Presupposition. Therefore, this study aims to identify and classify the types of presuppositions found in Theodore Lawrence’s utterances by reviewing the related study before handing down to the self-investigation. This study utilizes qualitative analysis of the movie dialogues to understand the intentional meaning of the character's utterances in relation to the conversation context, as well as using SLR method (Systematic Literature Review) of the knowledge from other researchers. This study is also supported by several relevant related studies, by using the existing data from theories, journals, and other educational platforms. After conducting the research analysis, the researcher found that lots of related studies use the theory of George Yule (1996) to define the types of presupposition. In other words, the researcher concludes that to analyze Theodore Lawrence's utterance in the “Little Women” movie, the researcher is reviewing the study from the previous researchers that have been conducted this type of presupposition field analysis</p> TASTRID NUR AL-FATH MUHAMAD JEJEN NURANI Copyright (c) 2024 2023-12-01 2023-12-01 4 2 50 60 USING HOTS IN DEBATE TO HELP STUDENTS IMPROVE THEIR SPEAKING SKILLS <p>Speaking skills are skills that enable us to communicate effectively. This skill has the most important goal for student success, especially for class XI of SMA because they will face the era of globalization in the world. As for the problems faced by class XI students of SMA Darus Su'ada Al-Ahad, most of them are not able to speak English. In this study, researchers applied the HOTS method in debate to improve students' speaking skills, especially in class XI of the SMA. By using the HOTS method and debate which is a learning concept where students are given the opportunity to start speaking through the provision of stimulus material so that students think critically, creatively, collaboratively and communicatively, then students are able to present the ideas that are in their minds. This research is said to be successful, it can be seen from the results of the comparison of pre-test and post-test scores. Here, the researcher collects data through a mixed-method in which the researcher obtains data from the results of observations first and then from the results of the comparison of pre-test and post-test scores. As for the benefits of this research, firstly for a teacher using this method will not make students feel bored in following the learning process. Second, for other researchers, the results of this study can be used as a reference if they want to do similar research.</p> WAHYUNI EDY SUSENO Copyright (c) 2023 JETA (Journal of English Teaching and Applied Linguistic) 2023-12-01 2023-12-01 4 2 61 89