Analisis Penggunaan Referensi dalam Wacana Harian Jawa Pos Kolom Sport (Kajian Wacana)
The research on the analysis of the use of references in the daily discourse of Jawa Pos, the Sport column, used discourse studies. The aim is to describe the use of references based on the place of reference in the daily discourse of Jawa Pos column sport, describe the use of references based on the type of lingual unit in the daily discourse of Jawa Pos column Sport, and determine the proportion of reference usage based on the reference and its type in the daily discourse of Jawa Pos column Sport. The object of this research is the daily discourse of Jawa Pos column sport. The source of data in this study is the discourse on the sports column. The data collection method used is the documentation method, while the data collection technique uses reading and note-taking techniques. The data that has been collected is then analyzed using a qualitative descriptive method. The results of the analysis found, the use of references based on the references, namely endophonic and exophoric references, the use of references based on the type of lingual unit, namely persona references, reference demonstrations and comparative references, the proportion of references used based on references and types in the daily discourse of Jawa Pos column sport.