Pengembangan Modul Literasi Numerasi dalam Penguatan P5
Module, Literacy, Numeracy, R&DAbstract
Literacy and Numeracy skills are essential for enhancing students' capabilities across various fields. Based on this premise, the study aimed to develop a Literacy and Numeracy Module tailored to the needs of Astika Dharma students, who primarily excel in physical and non-academic areas. This research employed a Research & Development (R&D) approach, which involved assessing (Research) the needs of Astika Dharma students and subsequently creating (Develop) a Literacy and Numeracy Module aligned with these needs. An initial analysis was conducted through a Pre-Test involving 26 student representatives from each class. The module content focuses on Literacy and Numeracy topics relevant to students' daily lives. As a result, the developed module meets the specific needs of the students, presenting engaging material that addresses common issues faced by students in both their school and community environments.
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