Model Development, Transmigration Documents, Historical Thinking AbilityAbstract
This development research aims to: (1) describe the historical learning model used today at Pelita Bangunrejo Vocational School, (2) describe the development of a transmigration document-based learning model to improve historical thinking skills, (3) describe the effectiveness of the archive-based history learning model -transmigration documents to improve Historical Thinking skills
This research is a development research that is modified from the concept of Borg and Gall. Implementation stages are adjusted to the needs of researchers. Implementation stages include preliminary studies, development of learning models, and testing the effectiveness of the model. Analysis and feasibility of the model using a Likert scale of 1-5. While the effectiveness test using the t test. Based on the research results, most students are interested in transmigration documents. The level of students' Historical Thinking ability is still low. Most students still do not know that the ability to think historically is very important in learning history. The learning model developed includes preparation, implementation, and closing steps.
Validation by experts is taken into consideration to refine the model that will be developed at the trial stage. The results of the model validation test obtained a value of 4.61 (good), RPP validation obtained a value of 4.09 (good), validation of questions with a value of 4.18 (good) and validation of teaching materials/materials obtained a value of 4 (good). In the T-test obtained a value of 3.990 with a significance of 0.000 <0.025, meaning that there is a significant effect on the developed model, so that the mean before and after the experimental class treatment is not the same. Thus the historical learning model developed is effective to improve students' historical thinking skills.
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