
  • Randika Deva Chandra STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung
  • Putut Wisnu Kurniawan STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung
  • Yulia Siska


The Indigenous Kingdom of Pak Sekala Brak, Kepaksian Pernong, Existence


This writing attempts to describe the existence of The Indigenous Kingdom of Paksi Pak Sekala Brak Kepaksian Pernong Lampung from 1283- 1945. This research aims to find out the brief overview of the existence of The Indigenous Kingdom of Paksi Pak Sekala Brak Kepaksian Pernong Lampung in the Islamic period, the Dutch colonial period and independence which in this case includes the fields of culture, politics and community service system.

This research is a qualitative research with historical research methods. Specific research methods are used by using heuristic measures, criticism, interpretation and historiography.

The result of the research is that The Indigenous Kingdom of Paksi Pak Sekala Brak is a kingdom resulting from the transition from ancient Sekala Brak through wars carried out by four umpu Pagaruyung descendants consisting of Umpu Bejalan Di Way, Umpu Belunguh, Umpu Nyerupa and Umpu Pernong, which is known as the incident gegakhah bulan bakha, it is also a milestone in the early establishment of the Paksi Pak Sekala Brak, which is based on Islam. During the arrival of the Dutch in the Paksi Pak Sekala Brak, the Kingdom of Paksi Pak Sekala Brak, including the Paksi Pernong, was divided into clans as a form of divide et empire politics. During the Indonesian Independence period, Kepaksian Pernong continued to show its existence such as contributing to the struggle for the independence of the Republic of Indonesia as evidenced by the struggles carried out by the sai batins of Kepaksian Pernong.


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Randika Deva Chandra, 2 Putut Wisnu Kurniawan, 3Yulia Siska

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How to Cite

Chandra, R. D., Kurniawan, P. W., & Siska, Y. (2021). EKSISTENSI KERAJAAN ADAT PAKSI PAK SEKALA BRAK KEPAKSIAN PERNONG LAMPUNG (TINJAUAN HISTORIS DARI TAHUN 1283-1945). Storia: Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah Dan Humaniora, 2(1), 47–57. Retrieved from https://jurnal.stkippgribl.ac.id/index.php/storia/article/view/683


