Local Wisdom for Sustainable Education: The Sakura Traditional Art Learning Context to Improve Students’ Social Solidarity
Local wisdom, Sustainable education, Sakura Traditional Art, Social SolidarityAbstract
Sustainability education needs to be applied to formal education in schools through integrated
ways in intra-curricular activities. The purpose of this study was to investigate the Sakura's local wisdom and its potential as a learning context to improve students' social solidarity. A qualitative approach was used in this study by interviewing and reviewing books, journals, and other sources to learn about Sakura's local wisdom and its potential as a learning context. The data obtained were analyzed by descriptive exploratory analysis method. The conclusion obtained from this study is that learning by incorporating local wisdom in it can provide opportunities for students to create a meaningful understanding of the information they get. Sakura, which is local wisdom originating from the West Lampung region, has the potential to be used as a learning context in the classroom. Sakura art has an implicit meaning to establish close solidarity and intimacy among the people in the Liwa area. This makes Sakura art has a strong suspicion that it can improve students' social solidarity if applied to the context of learning. With the integration between learning and local wisdom, the sustainability of an indigenous culture can be maintained.
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