Pelatihan Nursery Rhyme Untuk Guru Taman Kanak-Kanan Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal Desa Braja Asri Kecamatan Way Jepara Kab. Lampung Timur
Vocabulary, Nursery RhymeAbstract
This PKM raised the theme of Nursery Rhyme training for kindergarten students at TK Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal in Braja Asri village, Way Jepara, East Lampung. Nursery Rhyme will help students learn English quickly and easily. The goal to achieved from Nursery Rhyme training is to help students learn English in a fun way so make a high interest in learning English from an early age. This training not only involves students, but also involves teachers in the school, so that in the long run, this training is expected to be a reference for teaching methods for teachers. The method used in this training is that students learn to recite poems first, listen to songs, then sing the song. Indirectly students have learned to listen, recite, and remember vocabulary in English because children at an early age are easier to memorize songs.