Peningkatan Kualitas Pembelajaran Melalui Workshop Penggunaan Video Pembelajaran Interaktif Bagi Guru SMP PGRI 1 Trimurjo Lampung Tengah
learning videos, interactive mediaAbstract
The workshop on using interactive learning videos for SMP PGRI 1 Trimurjo Middle Lampung teachers aims to improve the quality of learning by equipping teachers in making and using interactive learning videos. This activity was carried out due to problems with SMP PGRI 1 Trimurjo Middle Lampung teachers who still lacked knowledge in terms of using interactive learning videos. This service activity is in the form of workshops on the use of interactive videos and how to make interactive learning videos. At the end of the activity, participants were asked to practice using existing interactive learning videos and applying them in learning according to the subjects they taught. The results of monitoring and evaluation carried out by STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung lecturers obtained an illustration that teachers at SMP PGRI 1 Trimurjo Central Lampung have used interactive learning videos to improve the quality of learning. After using learning videos students become more active, learning is not monotonous, and students can reset learning videos whenever students want. From this it can be concluded that this service activity can increase teacher knowledge in making and using interactive learning videos to improve the quality of learning.