Pelatihan Teknik Menyusun Karangan dan Proses Menulis dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Keterampilan Menulis Siswa SD
Authorship, Writing process, Writing skillAbstract
Learning Indonesian language and literature is directed at improving students' ability to communicate, both verbally and in writing. Some stages of writing in the writing process are useful for improving writing to students, namely: prewrite: before writing, write: write, revise: fix, edit: edit, and publish: publish. This service activity was held on February 9, 2017 and took place at public elementary school 32 OKU. From the results of the evaluation, the results and benefits of this service activity were obtained including providing knowledge about the technique of compiling the framework and the process of writing which before writing, when writing, editing and publishing the results of their writing. Writing publications can be through the school wall magazine or electronic media. In addition, the teachers also had the opportunity to use techniques in compiling essays and the real writing process guided by the service team involving 12 students in the practice.