Workshop Pengembangan RPP dan Silabus Kurikulum 2013 Bagi Guru SMK PGRI 2 Bandar Lampung
RPP, syllabus, vocational high schoolsAbstract
Development workshop for teachers lesson plans and syllabus smk pgri 2 bandar lampung aimed to provide an overview of the development of lesson plans in accordance with 2013. Curriculum In 2013, curriculum development and by teachers, syllabus but it has been prepared by a team of developers, curriculum both at the central and. Areas These activities are done by the presence of the problem in teachers smk pgri 2 bandar lampung not use lesson plans in accordance with 2013. Curriculum So far they only use. Existing lesson plans. It will be activities devotion workshop on how to develop lesson plans in accordance with 2013, curriculum how methods, properly used for evaluation. in learning At the end of the event participants workshop trained to develop lesson plans each according to the way. The workshop has been seen when held monitoring and evaluation by lecturers stkip pgri bandar lampung that teachers smk pgri 2 able to develop lesson plans in accordance 2013 curriculum.