Sosialisasi Psikologi Positif Untuk Penguatan Keterampilan Dasar Bahasa Inggris di SD Negeri 2 Tejang Pulau Sebesi
English, elementary school, Positive PsychologyAbstract
The aim of this community service is for introducing the concept of Positive Psychology theory in the English learning process to teachers at SD Negeri 2 Tejang Pulau Sebesi, Lampung province. This socialization was held on Monday, May 20, 2024, which was attended by 14 participants. Implementing this community service activity are four lecturers and two students who have competence in education and teaching, educational psychology and student development. The participants in this activity have participated in the activity actively and enthusiastically, so that the socialization process can be conducive and successful. As an achievement of this community service, teachers at SD Negeri 2 Tejang Puau Sebesi are expected to be able to apply the knowledge and skills gained during this activity to apply the concept of positive psychology in learning English, so that all teachers can learn English easily. By having basic English skills, SD Negeri 2 Tejang Pulau Sebesi can prepare and support Minister of Education and Culture Regulation Number 12 of 2024 which regulates English a compulsory subject to be taught to elementary school students starting in the academic year of 2027/2028.