Penyuluhan PTK Pada Guru Tk Kartini 2 Bandar Lampung Tahun 2018/2019
CAR, teachers of TK Kartini 2 Bandar LampungAbstract
Teaching is a process to guide students to be able to learn well. Good teaching is certainly related to educators and students in order to achieve the learning goals. Based on Sardiman A.M (2004: 48) "teaching is defined as an activity of organizing or regulating the environment as well as possible and connecting with children, so that the learning process occurs. Or said, teaching as an effort to create conditions conducive to ongoing learning activities for students. The condition was created in such a way as to help the child's optimal development both physically and mentally. The target of the implementation of this community service activity is the teachers in TK Kartini 2 Bandarlampung. This dedication activity was held on October 8th, 2018 which was participated by 8 people and 7 students. From the results of the evaluation, the results and benefits obtained from this community service include providing knowledge about improving and improving the quality of education in the classroom in CAR. Student work results were increased. The learning goals are quickly achieved.