Workshop Bela Negara Pada Mahasiswa Program Studi Tadris IPS IAIN Metro
Defending the country, Nationalism and PatriotismAbstract
The essence of the struggle of the Indonesian people in seizing independence is essentially easier than maintaining it. ATHG Indonesia as a pluralistic nation is getting more and more complex as the bonds between the same generation and the next generation are eroded. The dedication team observed that there had indeed been a decline in the spirit of defending the country among students, especially in the IAIN Metro social studies study program in various sectors of life, even though defending the country was the right and obligation of the Indonesian citizens themselves. The solution offered is to provide an understanding of the current conditions of the Indonesian people, so that they have the awareness to defend the Indonesian nation and state through academic behavior as students. The results and benefits of this service include giving an understanding of the current state of the Indonesian ATHG that is expected to foster a spirit of nationalism and student patriotism.