Pelatihan Peningkatan Literasi Melalui Media Majalah Dinding (Mading) Pada Siswa SD Negeri 1 Labuhan Ratu
Literacy, wall magazineAbstract
One of the fundamental problems in Indonesia is the low literacy of the community. In order to improve literacy in Indonesia, the government has created a National Literacy Movement (GLN) program consisting of the School Literacy Movement (GLS), Family Literacy Movement, and Community Literacy Movement. In order to support these activities, the STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung PKM TEAM is promoting activities that focus on improving literacy in schools. One of the efforts made is by making a wall magazine. The PKM carried out is mentoring in the form of tutoring and training in improving literacy. In mentoring, several methods are applied. Such as group-based learning methods with approaches such as scientific, thematic, tutorial, drill and lecture while in the implementation of literacy training, good reading and writing methods are delivered. The results of the activities carried out show an increase in literacy in students at SDN 1 Labuhan Ratu through the wall magazine. This is due to the students' interest in contextual themes that are used as wall magazines with their own creativity. In addition to increasing student literacy, making wall magazines also increases the creativity and skills of students at SDN 1 Labuhan Ratu.