Penyuluhan 3 Dosa Pendidikan Pada Peserta Didik SDN 2 Hajimena Natar Lampung Selatan
Penyuluhan, 3 Dosa Pendidikan, Sekolah DasarAbstract
School is a second home for students because they spend more time at school than at home. However, it is possible that schools are also less safe places for students because of the 3 major sins in education such as Bullying, Intolerance and Sexual Violence. This counseling activity aims to help students understand the 3 sins of education and their negative impacts, as well as offer practical solutions to support the development of students' personalities perfectly. From the results obtained, students can learn from the consequences of bullying, sexual violence and intolerance by preventing and even eliminating them. This community service was carried out on Saturday, October 26, 2024 and took place at SDN 2 Hajimena Natar, South Lampung with 60 participants. The results of the evaluation, the results and benefits of this community service activity include increasing knowledge and insight into the three major sins of the world of education so that students can avoid and prevent the occurrence of the three major sins of education, especially at SDN 2 Hajimena Natar, South Lampung.