Workshop Penanaman Pendidikan Karakter Melalui Literasi Karya Sastra Bagi Guru-Guru di TK Kartini II Bandar Lampung
Literary works have an important role in the formation of student character because literary works basically discuss various life values that are directly related to the formation of student character. In the classroom the teacher can provide character education through study and assessment, either through speaking, listening, reading, or writing. Based on this background, we propose PKM activities at TK KARTINI II, namely by introducing one of the learning media that can be used to help teachers to shape students' characters, namely literary works in the form of short stories. The targets of the implementation of this service activity are teachers in the field of English studies at TK Kartini II Bandar Lampung. This service activity was carried out on April 17, 2021 and took place at TK Kartini II Lampung which was attended by 6 teachers. From the evaluation results, the results and benefits of this service activity include providing knowledge about using short stories to shape students' characters. The teacher is also taught how to choose material that fits the syllabus and asks students to get a moral message to build good character.