Pelatihan Pengunaan Virtual Laboratorium dalam Pembelajaran Moda Daring bagi Guru di SD 6 Sumberejo Kemiling Bandar Lampung


  • Yulia Siska STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung
  • Connyta Elvadola STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung
  • Putut Wisnu Kurniawan STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung


daring, virtual laboratory, elementary school


At this time the Covid-19 pandemic requires all aspects of life to use online modes, including the education aspect. Technology is a support for the learning process. It is very important for teachers to continue to innovate in learning, especially in online learning. SD Negeri 6 Sumberejo conducts online learning activities due to pandemic conditions. However, teachers have difficulty in innovating using media, especially for material that requires practicum. Therefore we need a solution that facilitates students even in online learning, but can do practical work so that the solution is to use a virtual laboratory. The purpose of the activities in this training is to improve the understanding and skills of teachers in using virtual laboratories for online learning systems. The method of activity is in the form of training for teachers at SD Negeri 6 Sumberejo. Tthe results of the pretest and posttest showed an increase in the average understanding of teachers from 50.71% to 88.89%, which means that this training has a positive impact on teachers. In addition, 98% of teachers stated that the training was very useful to increase innovation in the learning process. 100% wants a follow-up on the material for making virtual laboratories.





