Pelatihan Pemberian Instruksi dan Games Bahasa Inggris Berbasis Web Bagi Guru-Guru TK Pertiwi 5 Nampirejo Batanghari Lampung Timur
Instruction, Games, English, Language Acquisition, TeacherAbstract
Language acquisition occurs naturally. This will be easier to master if it is made a habit, not just learned at school. Therefore, teachers should try to include the L2 (second language) required for the acquisition of a foreign or second language. One of them is by giving instructions in English to students from the beginning of learning, where kindergarten age students are the golden age in language acquisition. So that this activity focuses on training in providing instructions and web-based English games for teachers of TK Pertiwi 5 Nampirejo. This activity aims to improve the ability of the kindergarten teachers in providing English instruction and introduce some web-based English games to be applied in the classroom when teaching. The methods used in this training are lectures, question and answer, discussions, simulations, and work in pairs or groups using zoom media. This PKMS activity was carried out on Thursday, May 26, 2022. In this activity, two stages were carried out, namely: 1) the preparation stage (submitting an activity plan and determining the training time), 2) the implementation stage. This activity was attended by four teachers from TK Pertiwi 5 Nampirejo, Batanghari and assisted by two students from STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung. This training activity is expected to help teachers understand how to apply English as a second language starting from the lowest education unit level, namely Kindergarten in the form of instructions and make learning more interesting by using Web-based games.