Pelatihan Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Ala Montessori Bagi Guru-Guru TK Cerdas Umat Braja Harjosari Lampung Timur
Training, English, montessoriAbstract
This activity aims to improve the ability of kindergarten teachers to be able to compile montessori-based teaching materials, so that the learning carried out makes children free to explore learning English and makes children enjoy learning. The methods used in this training are lectures, questions and answers, discussions, simulations, and work in pairs or groups. This PKMS activity was carried out on Saturday, October 15 2022. In this activity two stages were carried out, namely: 1) the preparatory stage (submitting the activity plan and determining the training time), 2) the implementation stage. This activity was attended by three teachers from TK Cerdas Umat Umat Braja Harjosari, East Lampung and assisted by two students from STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung. It is hoped that this training activity will help teachers understand how to apply English as a second language starting from the lowest level of education unit, namely kindergarten in the form of making the learning more interesting with Montessori-style English learning.