learning method starts with a question, learning media posterAbstract
Through the learning starts with a question method, the class comes alive, because
through question and answer the participation of students is greater and they try to listen to
the teacher's questions well and try to give the right answers, so that students actively think
and are encouraged to interact or express their opinions. In addition, the use of poster media
is expected to attract students' attention because posters have attractive colors and have a
special appeal in the form of images so as to facilitate students' understanding of
vocabulary. The results of the researcher's observations show that history learning has not
been successful in class X SMA Al Azhar 3 Bandar Lampung, there are 132 (59.46%)
students who do not complete. While those who achieved completeness 90 (59.46%) students
achieved completeness in learning history set by the school of 78. The purpose of this study
was to determine the effect of the learning starts with a question method on history learning
outcomes in class X SMA Al Azhar 3 Bandar Lampung academic year. 2022/2023.
The method used in this research is the experimental method, the research sample is 2
classes. consisting of the experimental class is class X IPS 1, which applies the learning start
with a question method with the help of poster media, totaling 25 students, and the control
class is class X IPS 2 which is taught using the discussion method assisted by PPT media.
Collecting data using experimental methods and test techniques as the main method, as well
as documentation and literature study as complementary methods. Data analysis was carried
out using the t test formula according to Sudjana
The results showed that thit = 4.06 the results turned out to be at a significant level of 5%
and t(1- ) = 1.71 this means that thit > tdaf thus means that there are differences in history
learning outcomes between students who are taught the learning starts with learning
method. a question assisted by poster learning media with students taught using the PPTassisted
discussion method. Thus, the learning starts with a question learning method with
the help of poster learning media affects the history learning outcomes of even semester X
students of SMA Al Azhar 3 Bandar Lampung in the 2022/2023 school year.
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