Keywords: Learning Process Constraints, Biology, 2013 Curriculum ImplementationAbstract
Abstract: Implementation of the 2013 curriculum has posed challenges for schools, teachers and students. In the context of learning, many students are less active in understanding the learning concepts conveyed by the teacher, and their cognitive thinking skills are still low. In addition, the available learning facilities are still limited, biology books that are in accordance with the 2013 curriculum are also lacking, and there is a shortage of learning media and resources. In addition, practicum difficulties arise due to damage to equipment and materials in the laboratory. The purpose of this study was to identify the factors that cause difficulties for students in the biology learning process that adopts the 2013 curriculum. The research method used is descriptive qualitative by using a questionnaire using a Likert scale. Data were analyzed descriptively using percentages. The results showed that the factors causing difficulties for students in the biology learning process that adopted the 2013 curriculum included internal factors such as interest (low 50%), motivation (moderate 56.83%), readiness (low 49.19%), and physical condition (60.15% moderate). Meanwhile, external factors include the school environment (low 50.65%), family environment (moderate 59.76%), and community (moderate 63.28%).
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